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Chatbots made easy

Unopinionated, minimalist chat framework for Node.js

Hosting your own chatbot is as easy as hosting an Express.js application

If you are a web developer and know how to host a web application with Express and node.js, ChatAlly will only surprise you with it’s ease of use.

You won’t need to start from scratch and learn a new language with all of it’s development environment. Build on the skills that you already have.

Install two npm packages…

Terminal window
npm install @chatally/core @chatally/console

…create one Javascript file…

import { Application } from '@chatally/core'
import { ConsoleServer } from '@chatally/console'
new Application({ log: false }) //
.use(new ConsoleServer("ChatAlly"))
.use(({ req, res }) => {
if (res.isWritable) {
res.write(`You said '${req.content}'`)

…and start chatting with your bot on the console

"Screenshot of console chat"

For a full example, see our Getting Started guide.

Integrate your chatbot with WhatsApp, Signal and AI without crazy hosting costs


ChatAlly is a minimal and flexible Node.js chat application framework that provides a robust set of features for your chatbot. It consists of a collection of npm modules that make building your own self-hosted chatbots quick and easy.


Connect your chatbot to WhatsApp or Signal, so your users can communicate with your application easily. Use one of the many modules readily available. Create your own natural chat experience with open-source AI, e.g. with TensorFlow.js or other more dedicated chat frameworks like nlp.js.


It is also easy to build your own integration, e.g. for Huggingface’s transformers.js. Natural language processing is only one part, add a consent manager, log training data from real chats, integrate your knowledge base or speech features. If you can’t find, what you need, write your own middleware easily.


Share your own middlware with others, get help from experienced users, share ideas for new features or fix a bug. Checkout our Github project or join our Discord server.


ChatAlly gives you all the tools to get started quickly and evolve your chatbot into your very own support character for your users. To support you on your journey, documentation is essential, that is why it is an explicit work package in our project and will account for at least half of the effort. Check out our guides and examples.

Contribute to ChatAlly

All contributions are welcome: Join the community on Discord, provide feedback or bug fixes on Github, provide more usage examples, provide interesting middleware or another server (e.g. Telegram).

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