This is a breakdown of the work packages from our milestones into manageable pieces (epics, stories, tasks) that go into our sprint plannings. We will detail the breakdown as the respective feature gets closer to implementation.
Arc: Architecture
- Arc: webserver-like middleware
- Arc: message interfaces (Status, Button, Image, Reaction, Location, Audio, Video, Document, Sticker)
- Arc: content negotiation
- Arc: documentation
App: Application
- App: configuration
- App: dispatching
- App: error handling
- App: logging
- App: “stamps”
Servers (formerly ‘Connectors’)
CS: Console Server
A console server to chat with your application on the console. This server is meant for development and testing of your application.
- CS: basic server
- [/] CS: split console (UI & log output), preferably use Websockets server
RSWU: REST Server (for Web UI)
WACS: WhatsApp-Cloud Server
- WACS: publish current state
- WACS: cleanup interfaces
- WACS: make it node.js compatible
- WACS: documentation
- WACS: markdown support
- WACS: media support
SS: Signal Server
WAWS: WhatsApp-Web Server
GMwI: General Middleware & Integrations
- GMwI: history
- GMwI: GDPR consent
- GMwI: DB logger
- GMwI: error logger
- GMwI: limit configuration
- GMwI: whitelist/blacklist filter
- GMwI: Generic repository storage (DB backed)
- integrate nlp.js
Expl: Examples
The following ideas could be realized as examples, they still need to be prioritized, because I will not have enough time to cover all of them.
- Expl: WACS guided search
- Expl: WAWS opening times
- Expl: WAWS/SS bridge
- Expl: WAWS group moderation