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For our funding through the Prototype Fund, we had to propose some milestones, which you can find below. We will break down these work packages in our backlog and also continuously report our sprint progress.

Architecture WhatsApp Cloud-Connector Integration Middleware Signal Connector Example Scenarios WhatsApp Web-Connector Documentation, Publications, Reports MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG

I like milestones. It is always good to communicate your goals and at least be held responsible to communicate changes in your goals.
Christian from ChatAlly

Work packages

In order to allow for an easy application of the chatbot toolbox, we need a simple and flexible architecture together with some basic building blocks, e.g. connectors for common clients. But most importantly we need good documentation, hence a major focus of the whole project is on documentation. Each workpackage contains documentation efforts, but there is also an extra package for dissemination.

These are the work packages:

  • Define a modular architecture: All layers and building blocks are well described, the interfaces are defined in such a way, that they allow easy integration with existing frameworks and libraries
  • Completion and documentation of the WhatsApp Cloud-Connector
  • Integration of the first modules (connector, NLU, logic) with the orchestrating middleware as a first example
  • Implementation and documentation of the Signal connector
  • Integration and documentation of more example scenarios/templates
  • Implementation and documentation of the WhatsApp web-connector


We plan to sketch the basic architecture until end of March, so that we can then select/adapt/implement the middleware and implement a proof of concept with the WhatsApp cloud-connector in April.

From there on, we will implement different usage scenarios, that demonstrate the flexibility of the architecture. We will add further building blocks as required for the scenarios, e.g. a Signal connector or a WhatsApp web-connector. Throughout this phase, the architecture is refined.

The results will be available as NPM packages for Javascript implementations and Docker containers and swarm configurations for integrations. We expect to finish all implementation results by end of July.

Towards the end of the project end of August, we will finalize the documentation, present results and prepare the wrapup of the PrototypeFund project.

Demo Day

Each round of the Prototype Fund ends with a demo day. We will present our project results there, it will be end of August. We will keep you updated, when the date is confirmed.