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A chat server receives incoming chat messages and dispatches them to the application.

export interface Server extends EventEmitter<ServerEvents> {
/** The server's name */
name: string
* The logger to use during runtime. Set this explicitly to false or NoLogger,
* if the registered server shall not log, otherwise the application will
* set a child logger during server registration, i.e. in the call to
* `application.use(server)`.
* You probably want to implement a setter method, that passes this logger
* down to child modules, if your server contains any.
get log(): Logger | undefined
set log(log: Logger | undefined)
* Start the server
* Called asynchronously (in background) when `listen()` is called on
* ChatAlly application.
listen: () => void
* Check if media asset belongs to this server
* @param url URL of media asset
* @returns true, if the media URL comes from this server
canDownload: (url: string) => boolean
* Download a media asset
* @param url URL of media asset
* @returns The binary data of the media asset
download: (url: string) => Promise<Buffer>


A server is a node.js EventEmitter and emits the following event, when a request is dispatched.

export interface ServerEvents {
dispatch: [ChatRequest, ChatResponse]