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The core modules are published as @chatally/core on Find the sources on Github.


If you want to get your fingers dirty quickly, go to the Getting started guide. Or check out any of the examples


The core consists of the following modules:

  • Class Application: Instantiate an application, configure it by registering your server(s) and middleware. The application receives requests and dispatches them to all middleware. It provides error handling and logging.
  • Servers are the bridge to proprietary chat protocols and clients. They must allow registering the application as dispatcher and to be started by a call to listen(). Servers trigger the application on incoming messages and are responsible to deliver outgoing messages.
  • Middleware is responsible to generate a response from a request, but you can also add passive middleware, e.g. to only log chats or trigger reactions in other systems, e.g. send out notifications to admins or middleware that just enriches the context.
  • The context passed to the middleware consists of the Request, the Response, a next() function allowing middlewares to do post-processing, a log handle to a child logger of the application and a data record to pass arbitrary data.
  • Various types of messages allow to interpret all kinds of incoming messages and generate rich outgoing message content. What types of messages are available depends very much on the kind of server used.
  • Technically, the logger facade comes in it’s own package @chatally/logger, but conceptually it belongs to the core. It allows the application, servers and middleware to implement logging without tying them to a specific logging framework. It comes with a sensible default BaseLogger, that logs to the console and can be used to implement your own adapter, e.g. for Pino or Winston.

The following pages will give you detailed reference documentation of all modules.