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WhatsApp Cloud

WhatsApp Cloud is a ChatAlly server that integrates the WhatsApp endpoints Webhooks, Messages and Media.


Install the required packages

Terminal window
npm install @chatally/core @chatally/whatsapp-cloud

Create a main module, that sets up the WhatsApp cloud server and integrates it with your ChatAlly application.

import { Application } from '@chatally/core'
import { WhatsAppCloud } from './lib/index.js'
const phoneNumberId = 'YOUR PHONE NUMBER'
const accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
const verifyToken = 'YOUR WEBHOOKS VERIFY TOKEN'
const whatsapp = new WhatsAppCloud({
env: false, // do not read configuration from environment variables
file: false, // do not read configuration from default configuration files
graphApi: { phoneNumberId, accessToken },
webhooks: { verifyToken, secret },
new Application() //
.use(({ req, res }) => {
if (res.isWritable) {
res.write(`You said '${req.text}' and I don't know what it means.`)

use(...) registers the WhatsApp cloud server as a server in your ChatAlly application and hence connects it with your response-generating middleware.

The ChatAlly application will be calling the method listen(...) to start the integrated Webhooks endpoint. Once this is started, you can register your WhatsApp business account to receive notifications, whenever your WhatsApp phone number receives a message or a status update.

Registration is only required once.


To set up a WhatsApp Cloud server, you must provide some configuration, either explicitly as a Javascript object, a configuration file, environment variables or a combination of it. A minimal configuration must contain:

  • graphApi.phoneNumberId The id of the registered WhatsApp number.
  • graphApi.accessToken A cryptographic token used as Authorization: Bearer in each call to an endpoint. See the Facebook documentation on how to create access tokens.
  • webhooks.verifyToken A shared secret used to register the webhooks endpoint with your WhatsApp business account.
  • webhooks.secret A cryptographic token to verify the payload of received event notifications on the webhooks endpoint.

This is an example configuration file (whatsapp-cloud.config.yaml) with all configuration options:

# name: WhatsAppCloud
# immediate: false
# [Optional] Port to listen on [`default=3000`]
# port: 3000
# [Optional] directory to static assets to be served at assetsPath
# assetsDir: ./assets
# [Optional] file path to static assets, has no effect if assetsDir is not set
# assetsPath: "/assets"
# Look these up in your WhatsApp Business settings
# Token to verify webhooks registration
verifyToken: <YOUR VERIFY TOKEN>
# Secret to verify payload signatures
secret: <YOUR SECRET>
# [Optional] Base URL for Meta GraphAPI
# baseUrl: ""
# [Optional] Port at which to reach Meta GraphAPI
# basePort: undefined
# [Optional] Version of the Meta GraphAPI
# version: 20
# Look these up in your WhatsApp Business settings
# the phone number id of the WhatsApp business account
phoneNumberId: <YOUR PHONE NUMBER>
# Access token to use as authorization bearer.
accessToken: <YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>
# [Optional] Path to a directory where to store downloaded media assets
# [default="media"]
downloadDir: ./wa-media
# [Optional] Path to the database to store media ids
# [default="media.db"]
dbPath: ./wa-media/media-ids.db


If you do not use the WhatsApp Cloud server in a ChatAlly application, you have to register a dispatch method explicitly and call listen() to start the server.

set dispatch(dispatch: Dispatch)

Set the dispatch method to generate a response.

You must set this beforte calling listen().

  • dispatch Method that generates responses.

Dispatch must be a function (sync or async) that takes a Request and a Response and returns void.

listen(port?: number): void

Start the underlying Webhooks API server.

This call is long-running and will only return, once the server has stopped. You must set dispatch before starting to listen, otherwise notifications would have no effect.

  • port [Optional] Port to listen on with the Webhooks server.


Independent of the way you integrate the server, you can use some functionality of the integrated endpoints through the server’s interface.

async send(to: string, ...outgoing: ChatMessage[]): Promise<void>

Send message(s) to recipient.

Messages are sent “in order” once the Webhooks server has been started with a call to listen(), i.e. the next message to the same recipient is only sent out, once a delivered status has been received.

  • to recipient’s phone number, with country code but without +.
  • ...outgoing one or more messages to send.

async upload(file: string): Promise<string>

Upload a file to Facebook’s media endpoint.

  • file Path to the file to be uploaded.
  • @returns the media id that can be referenced in messages

async download(id): Promise<string>

  • id Media id of the asset to be downloaded to downloadDir.
  • @returns the file path to the downloaded file

See also the WhatsApp Business Documentation

Cloud API


